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mercredi 20 avril 2016

If you are an aspiring musician, model, photographer, designer, athlete, producer or have any other skill set, you likely know how tough it is to get discovered and get a job using your skill set. Talnts is here to help – it’s like “Talents” but without the “e”. This app helps you discover talent and be discovered by people who need your skill set. Need a model to showcase your new clothing line? Talnts is the right place to go looking for one.

Talnts is selling itself as a platform that isn’t just for creatives. And that freelancers, entrepreneurs, developers, marketers, lawyers, consultants and more can use the platform to go ahead and find someone who can use their work. Talnts has a built in digital portfolio allowing users to showcase their work, so those looking for workers can see what they are capable of. Additionally, people can search by location, so anyone in your area can find you with ease. Talnts says that the platform is made to make it easier for gifted individuals as well as groups  get discovered. Also be able to promote their content and skills, for those that might be seeking that talent.

With Talnts you can put yourself out there and not worry about being rejected, as often. Talnts can help put you in the hands of the right talent seeker and get you doing a job that you’ll love doing. It’s a pretty unique app, and one that is bound to be pretty popular. The app has a pretty nice looking design. Now it’s material design here, but it does look great and is functional. There are hamburger menus located throughout the app. Additionally, Talnt recently updated their app to allow users to include YouTube videos on their profile. This is great for doing a short introduction. And even better for videographers to showcase their talents. Talnt is a free app, available on the Google Play Store. The app has zero in-app purchases, which is great, especially for one that is essentially a job board, looking to connect those with talent to those that are looking for employees with talent.

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